Silver Wisdoms
Life Lessons Throughout 25 Years of Existence by Ronald Michael Quijano Live Simply We think of success as a life of luxury and lavishness. It is the picture that modern society has imposed upon our consciousness. We narrow our vision of a successful life by the abundance of properties we accumulate throughout our lifetime. This idea left us drooping on our ideals. We keep on running the race that others built for us. Extravagance comes from either social; realizing that for the person to be accepted by peers, one must conform to their ideals and constructs. Or personal; in which a person reckons luxury as the highest ideal there is. But the pleasure that these elements provide will soon wear off. It’s like a drug that allows us to experience momentary pleasure and leaves us anxious about wanting more. Everything is temporary - your luxury, your possessions, your honor, your pride, your loved ones - do not cling to the idea of their permanence. Jealousy and envy are the product of...