How We Poisoned Love?
The Destructive Ideas of Romanticism by Ronald Michael Quijano Pleasure and problems are everywhere. From our parents to our families, from friendship to intimate relationships - everyone seems to be having a hard time settling with such commitment. Society's growing problem in their environment is much worse, but these personal obligations seem to be spontaneously jumping all over the place. In this essay, I will be discussing the ideas we've been patronizing for a long time that seems to be causing problems to most of our relationships. The ideas that seem to be giving pleasure to us, but only for the short term. An idea that almost everyone is a fan of and thereof almost everyone has gone into dealing with relationships in the wrong way. Special thanks to Alain De Botton and the School of life for giving me the inspiration to write this essay. Maybe, you are asking the reason why did I made such an essay - I think because most concepts of love we have on our lists today ...