Inevitable Death; Should We Fear Death?

Image courtesy of Justine Lambert/Getty by Ronald Michael Quijano What are you most afraid of? Rats? Spiders? Flying cockroaches - sometimes they assume that they are butterflies - or something to do with heights? Dark? Confined spaces? Whatever it is, surely, all of us have something to be afraid of. Among all those stimuli that might trigger your fear, there is this concept which all of us are a victim. Death. This perhaps is one of the common reasons why we believe in God, hoping for an afterlife. The belief in God is somehow an early attempt of humans to save himself from inevitable death. This is, somehow, evidence of human worshipping himself, constructing a goal of immortality. Most of us can’t fathom the idea of non-existence. We tend to rely on our hope of a non-evident afterlife. But what does death really mean? For us to understand the concept of death, we must first comprehend the idea of purpose, existence, and meaning. Socrates, a well-known phil...